Sunday, June 2, 2013

Baby Shower Blue!

Today I attended/ helped set up for the most adorable baby shower (if I do say so myself!).  My cousin Whitney is having a baby girl, so the Aunts/family members went ALL OUT!  Of course, I had to choose an outfit to wear to the shower which is always fun!  Instead of sticking with the "pink theme", As you can see, I opted for  a baby blue frock-still keeping within the baby theme! The dress is from this adorable shop in Illinois called Vintage Charm. One of my favorite things about this dress is the surprise element of the bow in the back!  I added a few fun necklaces to jazz up the simple front! I used this opportunity to whip out my nude booties.  I always feel a little extra "hip" in these!

All of the cousins (who are crafty) contributed in some way! Leigh Taylor, of Craft Box- DIY to go made the adorable Baby Girl window sign and cupcake toppers- How cute are the rattle and baby bottle?!  My Mother-in-Law and I made the fruit baby carriage (the verdict is still out on whether or not it is terrifying or cute).  We also painted the wooden baby blocks (used as centerpieces) and set up the candy station!  We folded the napkins to look like diapers and used pink safety pins to secure them!  One of her Whitney's friends made the most GORGEOUS homemade cookies too!  

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  1. Ally, the dress is to die for! So stinkin' cute -- not to mention the adorable decor and accessories for the baby shower! Looks like she'll be raised around a bunch of ladies with great taste :)

    xo, Kylie Rae
    Shimmer Me Pretty

    1. Thanks Kylie! I got it in a shirt version too- its soo versatile for the summer! It can easily be dressed up for a party or worn with sandals! xo

  2. So adorable!! Great post Ally!

    1. Thanks Jana! Happy to see you are reading :)

  3. adorable dress and gorgeous color!


    1. Thanks Grace! I don't wear a lot of teal, but I think with a little bit of a tan it might be my new summer color! :)

  4. This is so cute it's beyond words. I love love your dress!

    1. Thanks Tami! The shower was a blast- totally love party decorating!

  5. You look darling, Ally-Cat! And adore the precious baby shower decor - the folded diaper napkins are so clever! What a lucky mommy-to-be! :)

    XO, Bren

    1. Thanks Brenie Boo! The folded napkins were pretty funny- the safety pin really made them look like diapers!

  6. Al, always looking cute as a button! And I am dying, I mean dying, over the stroller baby in the watermelon!

    1. HAHA The stroller was a bit strange- I will say! But everyone was loving it! We missed you at the party, but we were very thankful for the amazing baby girl banner and cupcake toppers! They really added something special to the event and everyone was ga-ga over them!

  7. This dress for baby shower is fantastic. So glad that everyone enjoyed the party. My own sister is expecting so on this weekend I threw surprise luncheon for her. It was a DIY bash at the garden Chicago event space which everyone enjoyed.
